Heh the first time I ever tried coke I was in class doing cartwheels all over class while the teacher was out. And when the teacher came in I repeated every single word that the teacher said outloud. I was trying to stop but I couldn't. Then I got up and started reciting it louder while my hand was twitching. I was not a good coke head as you can see. The teacher just laughed and the bell rang but I was still on my high so I ran out of the room singing "We're Jehovah's Witnesses" Funniest thing in the world. I calmed down every time after that though, could actually control myself. Think some other crap was in there...
Hmm another thing hmm... was high in class for a god 4 months straight I guess, oh ya one time when I got arrested that day I walked out on campous during lunch and I had the greatest high in the whole wide world. I was a paranoid little freak for the first time so every dog that passed by i jumped and stuff. Well for some reason I had forgot that i had like a little .1 of a gram at the bottom of my backpack. I calmed down a bit of my high and I went into my chilled mode. Then the cops called me in, I was all happy and everything thinking about my high times. Even when they questioned me I was like, "Man how about we all be happy we are all family here why do we need to find fault in one anohter. Love life" So they checked my backpack and they pulled out the stuff. I was like "Hey man if you wanted some all you had to do was ask me" They laughed and arrested me, kind of mean for making them laugh and all. I remembered that I had a pack of zig zags in my back pocket so that's all I was trying to do was get it out my pocket for some reason and i really couldnt cause the handcuffs was kinda messin me up. So I went to the police station all happy and everything and they took off my restraints. Then they left me alone, and I remembered that I had like another small little gram of the GOOD GOOD stuff. So the police dude left me alone as i said so i started to roll up a little joint IN THE POLICE STATION they seriously dont check their cameras. I finally remember after rolling the joint that I was in jail so i unrapped it and just threw the paper in the trashcan, with some of the weed residue on it. It was funny they looked in the trash and everything but they thought the wrap was a little piece of a document or something. Good thimes.
I need to have sex already.... Drugs are find and dandy but shoot.... need to get this jehovahnized Idea of sex out of my head.
SEX IS THE DEVIL: SEX IS EVIL, I know my dad masterbates sometimes... cause my mom doesnt give it up to him hardly ever. Lol it's funny when you see only one hand lotioned up with vaseline and the other hand dry as a bone. Funny dad.